Sunday 30 August 2015

Answer for everything is inside of us

Coincidence in human lives do not exist! Everything that happens to us has its sense and concrete meaning. If we are here, on planet Earth, then it means that we are here on a specific mission which we must fulfil. Out of that fact we can easily conclude that neither our date of birth is a coincidence, but is positioned to an appropriate place. This is our start position whose numbers are not only a register of birth but an information about us, our character, potential, flaws and virtues. If we manage to decipher them correctly and order them we will manage to understand ourselves, realised through life which is the most important thing - be happy and content.

Scientists determined that based on extensive research, life circumstances affect luck by only 10% (1), for about 50% (5) genetics is to blame, while the remaining 40% (4) our mind plays a major role, i.e. how they interpret our everyday lives. Why am I mentioning these stats? For a simple reason - every change flows from us! And in order for it to take place we must be aware of ourselves, our flaws and virtues, in order to accept them and in the end use them to our advantage. Generally, it doesn't sound like something unattainable. But, here awaits our first issue.

People are more and more prone to blaming bad karma and debt that they carry for their failures. Karmic debt doesn't refer to the entire human life but only to one period or even one event i.e. person, and it is represented in the numerical card by number 1 - which is a symbol of heritage. It is a starting number and it appears in the numerological circle right behind number 9 which is a symbol of foetus and new life. In Bosnian numerology number 1 is a symbol of luck (nafaka), whose symbology was determined towards traditional beliefs that God himself (number 1 i.e. monotheism) bestowed luck to humans. Will we know how to use this luck is primarily up to us, our mind and subconscious, better yet, our thoughts and thinking patterns.