Sunday 30 August 2015

Number 9

Persons born under this number are capable and energetic. Most of them are responsible, but also poignant. They're economic and are good with money. Nine is the number of polyglots, people that have an affinity towards languages or generally communication with others. This is why 9 represents diplomacy, deals, contracts. They're sociable. They love to be noticed in company and always strive towards gaining some status. They're passionate, dynamic, and love to be on the move. They have a tendency to get overly attached for a person that they care for. But, they're not spared of some characteristics that lead to loss of energy and which deplete mental strength, such as stubbornness and naivety.

By its appearance number nine resembles a foetus and is therefore a symbol of a child, birth and new life. Designates cycles, teaches us patience and discipline. This is why number nine carries huge energy within itself. In the period when it dominates, starting a new business would be ideal. It denotes the older generation. It rules over agriculture and everything that brings food. When it is in a positive atmosphere of other numbers, number 9 brings prosperity to some country, new investments, investment in renewable energy sources. Bad characteristics of this number are indulging to vices, crime, war profiteering, prostitution, narcotics. In nine a system crash is easy to come by, crash of a company or the concept of living.