Sunday 30 August 2015

Number 7

Persons whose final number is 7 will have to face painful events throughout their lives, losses and disappointments, but it won't be in vain since it will bring them deserved happiness and peace.
For people born under this number, lying is not an issue, they do it often when they believe it is necessary, whether in their private or business lives. But, they rarely do it out of a negative intent, instead they do it to make things easier for themselves. Their biggest weak point is - insecurity, they always think that they're not good enough or that they haven't done something the best they could. They're suspicious and jealous but despite that, noble and charming. They attract people, are emotional and are prone to deep emotions. Also through love, they're followed by struggle, whether through painful break ups or incompatible partners. Devotion towards partner and family is one of their traits. They're sentimental. A thing that is specific for number 7 is that it always represents past or future but sometimes the present as well. This is why people with this number are not interested in their present, they usually either live in the past or they are exclusively oriented towards the future.
Similarly this is a number of change, represents foreign lands, foreigners, a person born abroad, but also new ideas, differences. Seven is the number of intuition. It represents time, which brings new knowledge and wisdom with it. Thus, number 7 is the number of life, human destiny.
Negative meaning of number seven is revenge, huge affairs, manipulation, redrawing history, appearance of bad politicians and leaders. Represents mountains, skyscrapers, sky, trees, birds, rockets, airplanes.