Saturday 5 September 2015

Die Bohnenlegung

Wahrsagung mit Hilfe von 41 weißen Bohnen wird in Bosnien und Herzegowina bacanje graha, falanje u grah oder ogledanje u grah genannt. Jemand der sich mit der Wahrsagerei beschäftigt wird faladžinica für eine Frau genannt, bzw. wen es sich um einen Wahrsager handelt, beläuft sich der Name auf faladžija. Das Wort falanje stammt aus dem persischen Wort fal und bedeutet Vermutungen oder Hinweis.

Wahrsagung mit Hilfe der Bohnen (favomancija) ist ein Teil der Tradition dieses Landes. Es wird angenommen das die Abstammung zurück auf die Ilyren folgt die Anstelle von Bohnen damals Knochen von Vögeln auf den besetzten Boden warfen um das Schicksal zu bestimmen. Es ist interessant festzustellen, dass noch in Bosnien es Menschen gibt die Bohnen werfen allerdings das Schicksal nach der Position der Bohnen lesen.

In der bosnischen Tradition der Weissagung von Bohnen wird der Fatima zugeordnet, der Tochter des Propheten Mohammed die sich mit dieser Fähigkeit heimlich interessiert und beschäftigt hat. Aber bei einer Gelegenheit, trat Mohammed unerwartet in ihr Zimmer, gerade in einem Moment wo Sie das Schicksal ihrer Freundin vorhergesagt hat. Vor großer Überraschungen hatte Fatima nur eine Hälfte der Bohnen unter ihrem Kleid verstecken können, während die andere Hälfte blieb. Wie es Mohammed sah, sagte er ihr: "Möge es dir halbe Wahrheit und halb falsch sein". Seit dieser Zeit glaubte man, dass es in einer Hälfte die Wahrheit ist und in der anderen Hälfte Lüge.

Dazu benötigt man als erstes 41 weiße Bohnen und ein rotes Stofftuch. Es wird angenommen, dass aus der Zeit der Illyrer die rote Farbe vor bösen Blicken schützt, bringt Glück und Gesundheit. Deshalb werden die Bohnen auf diesem roten Tuch gelegt um der Person das Schicksal vorherzusehen und Sie vor dem schlechten Schicksal zu schützen.

Eine Person die Weissagung übt, nimmt die Bohnen in die rechte Hand über denen, und wird dreimal ein Gebet aus dem Koran wiederholen. Meist ist es Al Fatiha, dessen Gebet eine Hingabe (Geschenk) für die Seele von Fatima ist. Auf diese Weise kommt die Hilfe bei der Vorhersage und deshalb gilt Sie als Patronin der Wahrsagerei. Die Bohnen werden dann auf die Oberfläche des Tisches abgesenkt und der rechte Arm wurde dreimal im Uhrzeigersinn gemischt und zugleich wird die Frage gestellt.

Der Wahrsager wird nach dem Zufallsprinzip 3 kleinere Stapel von Bohnen bilden, gleiche Größe. Aus jedem Stapel werden 4 Bohnen entnommen bis zum Ende es dann 4, 3, 2 oder 1 Bohnen bleibt die vor sich gelekt wird. Das gleiche wird mit dem zweiten und dritten Stapel wiederholt.

Auf diese Weise wird die erste Zeile gebildet, die aus 5 oder 9 Körnern bestehen kann (221, 122, 212, 131 oder 333, 324, 243, 441).

Wenn die erste Zeile gebildet wird, werden die restlichen Körner zusammen auf einem Stapel geführt von denen wieder 3 kleineren Stapeln gebildet. Aus denen werden 4 entnommen und die zweite Reihe entsteht Das gleiche Verfahren wird für die Bildung der dritten Ordnung wiederholt. Es muss erwähnt werden das von der ersten bis zweiten und dritten Reihe nur 4, 8 oder 12 Körner rauskommen kann (112, 121, 242, 233, 413, 444).

Der Rest von Körnen wird unter der dritten Reihe gelegt, aber die separat 4 Körner Gruppen bilden. Diese nennt man hatma. Die Wahrsagung beginnt mit der Zählung der hatma um herauszufinden wie viele es sind, weil jeder seine eigene Bedeutung hat. Zum Beispiel:


Hier im Beispiel haben wir 6 hatma (4)


Hier im Beispiel haben wir 7 hatma

Bedeutung des Stapels von 4 Körnern (hatma):

5 hatma: Glück, kommende Nachrichten, Aktion
6 hatma: für eine Frau, Trauer und Schmerz
7 hatma: ein Zeichen des Fortschritts und Förderung
8 hatma: für Männer Trauer und Schmerz
9 hatma: Glück, Erfüllung, großes Glück. Wen aber neun vierer kommen, dann wird die Wahrsagung unterbrochen.

Das beschriebene Verfahren zur Bildung von drei Reihen wird dreimal für die Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft durchgeführt. Auf diese Weise wird ein detailliertes Bild von dem Schicksal der Person wahrgesagt. Die Zahl für die Vorhersage besteht aus drei Reihen:

Erste Reihe symbolisiert der Kopf das Denken, die Gedanken, Hoffnungen und Erwartungen.

Zweite Reihe symbolisiert das Herz und stellt die Gefühle, das Potenzial und die Lust.

Dritte Reihe symbolisiert die Tür und präsentiert das Ereignis, An- und Abreise.

Vertikale auf der linken Seite ist eine Frau, die Mitte das Haus und rechts der Mann.



Für den Fall, dass das Schicksal der Frau prophezeit wird, dann wird es von links nach rechts interpretiert bzw. die Zahlen 212, 341, 112. Ist der Kunde ein Mann dann deuten die Zahlen von rechts nach links 212, 143, 211.
Durch die Analyse der Bohnen kann der Wahrsager viele wichtigen Informationen bekannt geben. Ob der Kunde unter dem Einfluss der schwarzen Magie steckt, ob er heiratet, bekommen er einen neuen Job, reisen er, wird krank bis zu einer Beschreibung einer dritten Person, und so weiter.

Über die Wahrsagerei über Bohnen gibt es viele Überzeugungen in Bosnien wie folgt:

Es wird schlecht empfunden wen die Wahrsagung nicht bezahlt wird, weil sonst es nicht passiert, nicht in Erfüllung geht.
Wer die Bohnen essen tut, wird nicht viel Erfolgt in dieser Art von Wahrsagerei haben.
Die zur Weissagung benutzten Bohnen dürfen nicht gekocht und gegessen werden, weil sonst es zu Streit im Haus kommt.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

BiH according to numerology

This is some brief information on the numerological coincidences in the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 29.08.1189 is considered to be "birthday" of the country Bosnia, since it is the oldest date in her history, and this date is used in all calculations since it is fundamental, basic, no matter to the later historical rewriting and adding or subtraction of theories.
2+9+8+1+1+8+9=38, which is 3+8=11 (remember this number) and in the end 1+1=2
With this addition we received the number of Bosnia and Herzegovina which is number 2, which among other things signifies partnership which is witnessed by the letter "i"(and) in the name of the state - Bosnia and Herzegovina. What the number tells us you can partially discern by reading the text "meaning of numbers".

Number of disaster - 11

Officially the aggression from JNA (Serbia and Montenegro), but also ethnic cleansing, on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina begun on April 6th 1992. 6+4+1+9+9+2=31, i.e. 3+1=4. Number 4 is the symbol of blockade and restriction. It is known that the military aggression started when the Serbian army occupied the part of Croatia that bordered with Bosnia i.e. militarily encircled the entire BiH on its borders with Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro.

The beginning of the genocide in Srebrenica was on July 7th 1995

We will notice that we have the number 6 (sixth of April) as the beginning of the aggression and ethnic cleansing which is repeated when we add the date of the beginning of the genocide in Srebrenica. And this is no coincidence. Number 6 represents fear, period of uncertainty, sudden changes and is connected with the underworld and death. What is interesting in the numerological sense is that number 11 after the genocide in Bosnia became a worldwide unlucky number. It is sufficient to recall two world catastrophes: September 11th in USA and March 11th in Japan.
Number 11 is nothing more than two symbols of a sword or two sabres, which is the sign of conflict, death and global catastrophe. September 11th in USA represented the beginning of the fight of two swords, large religions - Islam and Christianity, while March 11th in Japan signifies the fight of man and nature. Another interesting thing related to number 11 is this - according to the circle destiny of Bosnia and Herzegovina is "born" under the sign of Nacre or Sedefil, rules from 15.08-15.09. as the eleventh sign in the Bosnian horoscope.

Sunday 30 August 2015

Bosnian numerology - human destiny in numbers

We live in a world of numbers. Literally, our every moment is predestined by them, therefore numbers one way or another constantly determine our faith, both individual and group. Numbers identify us, predetermine and guide. Qualify our luck and potentials. They are a symbol of time, all energy which rests in the infinitude of numbers is contained within them. Numbers denote how long our physical bodies exist, when certain important actions took place on a material level, and often it seems to us that it is their only purpose. But, it isn't like that. Remember, we are all different, there is no twin or physical doppelganger who can think identically and act like the one he wishes to copy. Yet, we are connected by various similarities since people are energies which permeate, match or repel each other.

We are all functioning on the principle of order, since energy, if it doesn't have its determined channels, dissipates and gets lost. For this reason even the oldest world myths state that there was once a disorder i.e. a lot of energy was dispersed throughout the universe, unconnected and unusable. Then the creators thought of bringing all that energy in order, give it a concrete meaning and shape. It is interesting that during that the forces of creation were of a smaller numerical range than the one they were up against, nonetheless the conflict itself spurred an action of unification and creation of harmony from which life sprung up. Even the name "ordinal numbers" tell us that they were created to bring order, they are sorted in such a way that every following number is stronger and larger yet in spite of that it cannot exist without the weaker ones, which precede them. This suggests to us that energy which is of a smaller volume always creates or moves the larger one. Ancient rule of the universe.

Answer for everything is inside of us

Coincidence in human lives do not exist! Everything that happens to us has its sense and concrete meaning. If we are here, on planet Earth, then it means that we are here on a specific mission which we must fulfil. Out of that fact we can easily conclude that neither our date of birth is a coincidence, but is positioned to an appropriate place. This is our start position whose numbers are not only a register of birth but an information about us, our character, potential, flaws and virtues. If we manage to decipher them correctly and order them we will manage to understand ourselves, realised through life which is the most important thing - be happy and content.

Scientists determined that based on extensive research, life circumstances affect luck by only 10% (1), for about 50% (5) genetics is to blame, while the remaining 40% (4) our mind plays a major role, i.e. how they interpret our everyday lives. Why am I mentioning these stats? For a simple reason - every change flows from us! And in order for it to take place we must be aware of ourselves, our flaws and virtues, in order to accept them and in the end use them to our advantage. Generally, it doesn't sound like something unattainable. But, here awaits our first issue.

People are more and more prone to blaming bad karma and debt that they carry for their failures. Karmic debt doesn't refer to the entire human life but only to one period or even one event i.e. person, and it is represented in the numerical card by number 1 - which is a symbol of heritage. It is a starting number and it appears in the numerological circle right behind number 9 which is a symbol of foetus and new life. In Bosnian numerology number 1 is a symbol of luck (nafaka), whose symbology was determined towards traditional beliefs that God himself (number 1 i.e. monotheism) bestowed luck to humans. Will we know how to use this luck is primarily up to us, our mind and subconscious, better yet, our thoughts and thinking patterns.

How numbers are analysed

Numbers are analysed in various ways, they have numerous meanings and reveal events both in an individual's life as well as worldly events. Of course, everything that I say here is only a small fraction of a large mantic discipline called numerology. There are dozens of systems of interpretation and analysis which are based on various directions and every one of them have their quality and uniqueness. But, you have the opportunity to read something about Bosnian numerology which in certain segments of interpretation differs significantly from the classic one based on astrology. Roots of Bosnian numerology are found, first of all, in the mantic discipline of bean divination, which is in turn based on a numerological division of the number of beads in horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions and the circle of destiny i.e. Bosnian horoscope. A smaller portion of knowledge about numerology comes from traditional and religious beliefs, which in a subtle way are complemented with dominant segments of favomancy and horoscope signs.

When analysing someone's date of birth, then all numbers are reduced to single digit numbers, for example, for someone born on 10.11.1947. we calculate in the following way:

1+1+1+1+9+4+7=24, 2+4=6. Six in Bosnian numerology is the number of the mother which is overly dominant or passive, it always represents a problematic relationship which lacks emotions or we're talking about a dominant parent who is the main culprit of insecurity and complexes. If number 8 appears as the final number then we are talking about the father. Then this information is tied and combined with all those represented by the numbers in five rows and in such a way one reveals potential and weaknesses of an individual; and detect areas of success, harmony, etc. What is particularly important is the analysis of numbers which are missing or which are too pronounced. That numerological deformation creates unnecessary loss of energy or blocks the individual in certain life areas and creates great difficulties for him. A unique method called "movement of numbers" was found very successful in treating the issue of bringing a person into harmony, who has pronounced numbers or missing numbers. We will discuss this technique later.

Number 1

Person whose final number is 1 has very good chances of succeeding in life, especially if we take into account that this is the first of single digit numbers and by that has priority over the others. They attract luck and if they're wise enough and gauged they can achieve meaningful life achievements, especially in their career. They're full of energy and feisty. But, that energy is often times raw and makes them stubborn, rigid, takes away their patience and understanding. It is difficult for them to compromise. They prefer others adjusting to them. They love to dominate both in their love and business relationships. Energy wise they deplete quickly therefore in number 1 we have the largest numbers of energy vampires.

Number 1 has the bad luck that despite all of their character qualities they can easily become lonely.

Their head is often "in the clouds" with a tendency to cause unnecessary issues for themselves with their impulsive nature. The thing which makes the weaker side of their character is the tendency towards anger, egoism, narcissism but also stinginess. Many of them spend a good part of their life living in illusions and delusions. The need for loneliness is not strange to them, they fall into a depression or distance themselves from others. Number 1 rules over the spine, nose and penis.

Number 1 according to its shape is in the form of the Arabic letter Elif (Aleph), it is symbolised by the mighty sword of hazrat Alija, the successor of the last messenger of God, Muhammad, and as such this number represents, besides leadership and beginning, heredity, legacy of any form. Number of religion, i.e. monotheism.

One is after all number of the start of war, conflict, but also supports the creation of a quasi movement, fanaticism, terrorism, in the period where number 1 is accentuated, revolutionary ideas are born.

Number 2

Person whose final number when summing the date of birth is 2 is after all simple, of a peaceful nature, is not intrusive. Possesses incredible mental strength. The thing that adorns them is pride, certain graciousness and observance of their principles. BY nature they are loyal persons, emotional connection is extremely important to them as well as stability in the relationship. They're often not prone to big words nor too much communication, but they are very intelligent people, whose intellect and capability, unfortunately, often times are left unutilised. In life this person is often opposing itself, in doubts and suspicions. As a result of such thinking he can easily become a braggart, unreliable partner, a suspicious person which sees conspiracy and intrigue against him, in all things. That's why it has a tendency towards exaggeration. It can become rancorous, defiant and stubborn. Often they are persons that have the issue of connection with reality.

Number two rules over the neck, spine and knees, which are usually weak points of people born under this number.

Number 2 is the number of the universe, dualism. Two top principles contained in the Bogomil teachings about the god of good and god of evil. This numbers besides partnership, connection, connectivity, also represents a state, state service, especially court and police, army. In its adverse meaning 2 marks large catastrophes, regime changes, earthquakes and floods. It also signifies rulers from the shadow, hidden powerful individuals.

Number 3

Persons whose final date of birth is the number 3 are by default prone to complicate their lives, often times they have difficulties to come to fruition, they would always want something but wouldn't know themselves what it is. They often have the need to lie and act, especially women. They strive to be productive, because of the desire to be noticed, which is a reflection of lack of confidence, self control but also a sign of superficiality.

They're emphatically emotional, fall in love easily and enjoy the attention that a partner provides. Person of this number is capable of sacrifice and to become the pillar of the person which it loves. However, egoism is not strange to them since they allow themselves a certain freedom in their relationship or marriage, which is not approved by their partner. They have a fear of loneliness. They're fertile.

People that have this number are often successful at work, a career is very important to them. Actually, money gives them a feeling of safety, to which they strive constantly. They like to be independent, especially in business. Their negative characteristics are lack of understanding, empathy, unfaithfulness, pliability. A lower type of person under the number 3 is prone to lying, pretending, domination.

Three is a number of a man - he possesses spirit, soul and body. This number represents public institutions, political parties, announces large rallies or protests, especially if it is in the vicinity of a negative number. 

Number 4

Persons whose final sum number of date of birth is 4 are in a constant silent fight with the desire for freedom and change and traditional life. This makes them frustrated and causes sudden mood swings with them. Through life they often come across limitations which they unconsciously impose on themselves. Their love relationships end suddenly and painfully. They enter relationships without too much thinking, they're prone to self-deception, which often ends up in being disappointed in their partner. They're temperamental and passionate. They're highly sensitive of criticism and experience them emotionally. Yet, in this number wisdom is pronounced which comes with experience and time. For this reason they become a backbone and support for others. They love their home which they always refurbish or decorate. Care for the family is imperative for them, but they are immoderate, and there lies the source of their unhappiness since over time they get tired and become depressed.

Four is the number of energy, vitality and our libido. It signifies human consciousness. Symbolises the house, family, every type of space, material possession. It is the number of nature and the Grand Mother.

In negative connotation this number restricts, and represents a prison, dungeon, camp, hospital, loss of freedom, the right to chose, is a sign of trauma, domination, etc. Period in which this number is extremely strong causes an increased number of murders, suicides and various excesses.

Number 5

Five is the number which is graphically depicted "in motion" which immediately suggests that persons whose final sum number of birth is 5 are prone to movement and travel. This is a number which is represented by a hard straight line, in the upper part, and a soft flexible half-circle in the lower part, and for that reason exactly, persons of this number affect differently others compared to how they actually are. Most of them at first glance look serious, distanced or authoritative but when one gets to meet them it is easy to see that they are approachable well meaning persons. Similarly, a person whose final number is 5 is resourceful, flexible, often eloquent. Loves to learn and acquire new knowledge. They're emotional and prone to sacrifice themselves for their partner and family.

Five is the number of inwardness, everything that is in the middle, represents the womb, internal organs, a people of a country. It represents our ancestors, genes. In the negative connotation number 5 causes diseases, injuries, emotional crises. It creates pressure, stress and pushes in the negative connotation. This number is the symbol of warning - it appears prior to large events and disasters. That's why it is called "the number of destiny". Symbolises periods of scarcity and hunger and with that economic crises.

Number 6

Six is the number represented "falling" which signalises that persons whose final sum of the date of birth is 6 spend too much energy or time on things or individuals which are not worth it. Their trajectory is clear and direct and reveals how stubborn they are and that finally they're missing a desire for general change. They're not dedicated to everything that is important in their life with the same zest and they can often be sloppy. That's why they don't have a lot interests in life. They're picky and petty. Unsure of themselves but they're trying to hide it as best as they can from others. Fear is their main problem, it often complicates their entire life, and drags them away from concrete changes. That's why they're usually unhappy and dissatisfied. They're emotional. Often their emotional side is more pronounced than their sexual side.

Six is a graphically upturned number nine and that's why in Bosnian numerology it represents upheaval, betrayal, sudden changes, periods of uncertainty, and in its negative symbolism it represents connection with the lower world, death, miscarriage, surfacing of everything negative and bad, bad mouthing. Part of the decisions made in this period often prove to be very bad. It is the number of aggression which when summed with 5 (6+5 i.e. aggression plus people) becomes number 11 - convicted mover of disasters which surely change the picture of the world but also society in its entirety.  

Number 7

Persons whose final number is 7 will have to face painful events throughout their lives, losses and disappointments, but it won't be in vain since it will bring them deserved happiness and peace.
For people born under this number, lying is not an issue, they do it often when they believe it is necessary, whether in their private or business lives. But, they rarely do it out of a negative intent, instead they do it to make things easier for themselves. Their biggest weak point is - insecurity, they always think that they're not good enough or that they haven't done something the best they could. They're suspicious and jealous but despite that, noble and charming. They attract people, are emotional and are prone to deep emotions. Also through love, they're followed by struggle, whether through painful break ups or incompatible partners. Devotion towards partner and family is one of their traits. They're sentimental. A thing that is specific for number 7 is that it always represents past or future but sometimes the present as well. This is why people with this number are not interested in their present, they usually either live in the past or they are exclusively oriented towards the future.
Similarly this is a number of change, represents foreign lands, foreigners, a person born abroad, but also new ideas, differences. Seven is the number of intuition. It represents time, which brings new knowledge and wisdom with it. Thus, number 7 is the number of life, human destiny.
Negative meaning of number seven is revenge, huge affairs, manipulation, redrawing history, appearance of bad politicians and leaders. Represents mountains, skyscrapers, sky, trees, birds, rockets, airplanes.

Number 8

Person whose final number is number 8 is extremely resilient, can bear numerous difficulties and pressures, but, besides people under this number have a flaw in that they have a hard time changing themselves i.e. coming to terms with life changes. Eight is the number of the subconscious, our fears, complexes, frustrations and makes the person nervous and destructive. Their flaw is that all negative things are suppressed in themselves i.e. they have a hard time opening up emotionally. That's why they are moody. But, similarly, 8 is the symbol of sex, life energy and libido. It loves to seduce and be seduced. They're possessive. Adventurous. They often have more than one marriage. They can be charming, ingratiate themselves to others or pretend that they are better than they actually are. They have a hard time with critiques, but they have an incomprehensible need to criticise others. Their positive sides are that they love company, fun, communication. When something really interests them they give themselves a 100% and achieve great success.

As the graphic representation of the number are two connected zeroes, with these persons you never know where you are. Eight is the number of villages, small places, highways, waterways, islands. Negative meaning of the number is reflected in assassinations, political coups, poisoning, secret societies, deception of the public, media.

Number 9

Persons born under this number are capable and energetic. Most of them are responsible, but also poignant. They're economic and are good with money. Nine is the number of polyglots, people that have an affinity towards languages or generally communication with others. This is why 9 represents diplomacy, deals, contracts. They're sociable. They love to be noticed in company and always strive towards gaining some status. They're passionate, dynamic, and love to be on the move. They have a tendency to get overly attached for a person that they care for. But, they're not spared of some characteristics that lead to loss of energy and which deplete mental strength, such as stubbornness and naivety.

By its appearance number nine resembles a foetus and is therefore a symbol of a child, birth and new life. Designates cycles, teaches us patience and discipline. This is why number nine carries huge energy within itself. In the period when it dominates, starting a new business would be ideal. It denotes the older generation. It rules over agriculture and everything that brings food. When it is in a positive atmosphere of other numbers, number 9 brings prosperity to some country, new investments, investment in renewable energy sources. Bad characteristics of this number are indulging to vices, crime, war profiteering, prostitution, narcotics. In nine a system crash is easy to come by, crash of a company or the concept of living.

Monday 17 August 2015

Five elements and the division of numbers

Numbers from 1-9 are divided into four elements and a final fifth, which is universal since it unifies the others, connects them into a five-pointed star which represents the human body with five protruding limbs - head, arms and legs.

Air: 1, 2
Fire: 3, 4
Water: 5, 6
Earth: 7, 8
Star: 9

Element air: persons with air numbers often have a high opinion of themselves, they are vain, get offended quickly, headstrong which all together makes them extremely negative an vulnerable. They're mostly emotional but stubborn and they can go against their own interest. They're moody, prone to change their decisions. They have a hard time giving something up as well as to come to terms with break ups or injustice.

Element fire: though this is a symbol of passion and energy it is often a sign of shallowness, therefore people born in number 3 and 4 have a large issue when it comes to experiencing real emotions and feelings, for which they suffer. They're prone to show off in front of others, they have a competitive nature, provocative, they show off unconsciously through sex, they're prone to sudden outbursts of anger and domination.

Element water: persons born in numbers of water have an extremely priceless gift - feeling deep emotions and feelings, which can often present a real curse and bad luck if they don't have harmonized numbers in the numerological card. This is why these persons can often get emotionally blocked. As their element, person with numbers of water search for their place under the sky their entire lives a place where they will be safe and stable. The negative side of the water element is fear and uncertainty.

Element earth: persons with numbers 7 and 8 strive for stability, to stand firmly on the ground. They're rational, practical and objective. Negative side of their element is that there is a possibility for them to be separated from reality, or that they don't have a realistic picture of themselves and others, similarly, a stubbornness is present which leads to auto destructiveness, just like an earthquake. Earth gives fruit so too they like to take care of others, be creative and create.

Element star: number nine i.e. star is the symbol of the soul, while the four elements make the parts of the human body. Through the star in the middle of the forehead, according to the Illyrian-Bosnian belief, humans are connected to their star in the sky (universe). Exactly for the above mentioned those born under this number have a strong need for connection with others. This represents a certain handicap for them since they become uncertain, sometimes they have difficulty accepting themselves, they're trying to get lauds, fulfil others expectations. They're adorned by naivety, nine is like 8 "movable" number i.e. it can become 6 while eight when it is turned around stays the same, at least at first sight.

Matching numbers

Though there is a extensive analysis of numbers, there is a pretty simple table of matching and mismatches between numbers. According to it numbers 1, 4, 7 match numbers 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9. There is no harmony between 1-7, 2-5, 3-8, 6-9. The most desirable partner is a person born under the number 5. Those persons are adorned by an important characteristic - they're adjustable.

Numerological card

To make a  numerological card of a person, according to Bosnian numerology, it is necessary to know the following data: date of birth, first and last name of the client, name of the father and mother. Let's take this example: Admir Okanović, born 12.3.1987, mother Sibila, father Arman.
Date of birth: 1+2+3+1+9+8+7=31/4
Admir Okanović - 14499 62156493 = number of the name is 27/9, number of last name 36/9
Sibila - 1+9+2+9+3+1 = 25/7. We're counting number 7+9 (last name) = 16/7
Arman - 1+9+4+1+5 = 2 = /2. We're counting number 2+9 (last name) = 11/2
First row: 3 3 7
Second row: 9 9 9
Third row: 7 9 7
Fourth row: 2 9 2
Fifth row: 4 9 9 (first row is 4, second row is 9 = 13/4. Then, third row is 23/5 and fourth row is 13/4 = 9.


Numbers which are missing: 1, 5, 6, 8.
Accentuated numbers: 9, 7, 3, 2

Numbers which are missing

Those numbers which are missing i.e. which are missing in the five rows of numerological card are called "missing numbers" and they point to a lack of some characteristics or even lack in character traits of the person. Revealing those important details suggests what is necessary for that person to harmonise better. Similarly, missing numbers warn us about important lessons which that person needs to learn in order to pass through certain experiences, or which habits it should develop. This all has a goal to complete the personality, activating those segments of the personality which are missing on the road of self awareness and achieving a good quality of life.

Accentuated numbers

In five numerical rows there is often an iteration of same numbers or more of them. Those are accentuated numbers which de-stabilize someone's character and lead him into an extreme. All of this, of course, is not productive at all and often represents an issue for the person since accentuated numbers dominate in their character. Examining the numerical card we detect problematic numbers and we are looking for a way to marginalize their influence in order for the other numbers/characteristics to come to the fore and so enrich the life of that individual.

Saturday 15 August 2015

Curing with numbers

Date of birth but also first and last names which we were given at birth are more than identification data. In these apparently simple data are stored all of our character traits but also weaknesses, which we carry with ourselves throughout our lives and which, logically, determine our way of life. The thing that makes studying personal data special is its use for very practical purposes. But, in order to know how to bring into harmony good and bad sides of your personality we have to first detect them through certain numeric methods.

Each number which is accentuated in a numerological card or is dominant takes the largest percentage of our energy and creates an imbalance thereby, loss of  harmony, which is then reflected on our physical and mental state, which then inevitably further affects all areas of our lives. Accentuated number or numbers, either positive or negative, always create inharmonious flow of energy which blocks us in certain life areas.

Number 6 in Bosnian numerology is connected to fear, a large percentage of people whose final number is 6 have a chronic issue of uncertainty, being scared, tendency to withdraw oneself, and in serious cases, especially with negative numbers, cause addiction or mental illnesses. Fear and stress are the greatest enemies of the modern man and main causes of blocked energy. It is known that the body of a person exposed to long term stress, especially emotional issues, becomes depleted of energy and an ideal ground for diseases. It has already been scientifically confirmed that emotionally destabilised women have issues with their menstrual cycles, and with those that have problematic marriages myomas tend to occur in a larger percentage than with women that don't have such issues. Similarly, it has been determined that even ovarian cysts have been linked to fears, etc.


Bosnian numerology gave birth to a unique method of healing which is called "movement of the numbers" or "numerical movement" which is based on the principle of activation of positive energy through numbers, especially those which we are lacking in our numerological card, or generally energy row which harmonises the human body and releases it of stress and other negativity.

1: issues with the sinuses, spine, impotence, helps create a feeling of tolerance, restores lost energy.

2: creates humility, peace, prevents outbursts of rage, helps with communication issues.

3: issues with obesity, emotional hunger, frustration.

4: closed up, blocked, impossibility to realise things and act at a 100%.

5: helps make things happen, we become brave, improves circulation, raises immunity.

6: fear, mental issues.

7: uncertainty, restless, rejection.

8: need for harmony, adjustment. Focus on oneself, self awareness.

9: helps with infertility, recovering from surgery, some accident, spreads peace and love.

Example - persons which have number 4 in their date of birth or pronounced in the numerical card suffer from constipation more often than the people that don't have this number. Main culprit is the number 4 which represents a block and restriction. Besides, 4 is the number of lazy people, those among whom theory is more pronounced than practice. To cure constipation and generally being blocked, there is a need to perform a simple ritual which I shall describe later on.

In Bosnian tradition all movements of the body which are performed "following the sun" or clockwise are meant to summon positive energy directly and with that we begin the training of harmonization: we sit on a chair, with our backs straight, hands in free fall (lowered) and then we move our body in a circular motion clockwise. The focus is on the stomach and pelvis, at the exact part of the body which regulates digestion and constipation.

Remember, our body and our mind do not like the words "I must", it is an extremely negative word and should be replaced forever by "I should", "it would be good if I", "it's possible", etc. Each thing that creates pressure has a negative effect on us. This is the reason why I didn't write how many times you should repeat the exercises nor for how long. You will discover it for yourselves. Sometimes it will be shorter and sometimes longer, it is important that it is according to your inner feeling since the meaning of harmonising with energy and releasing everything that is bad is to establish a connection to oneself.

Exercise "movement of the numbers"

1: stand straight, with legs joined together, hands alongside the body, with head lowered. This number rules the nose, spine, legs, and with men the penis. Breathe and exhale through the nose.

2: sit on your knees, place your palms on your knees, look straight. Close eyes and relax shoulders.

3: stand with legs joined, place hands on hips, so that they for the letter V. Here the lungs and the heart are accentuated. Stay focused on that part of the body.

4: sit on a chair, hands beside the body, connect the legs. Move the body in circles, clockwise.

5: extend both hands in a straight line and slightly bend connected legs. Breathe in and exhale through the mouth, blow it out towards the outstretched hands.

6: sit on your knees, place both palms on the stomach and slightly lower your head. Hands should be alongside the body, close to the stomach. Breathe evenly and stay in this position until you feel your body is relaxed.

7: stand straight, legs connected, extend hands forward in a straight line and bend the body backwards a bit. The stress is on the thighs and backside. Stand in this position until you feel these body parts have relaxed.

8: sit on your knees, raise both hands above your head, in a shape of a circle, hands touching each other with the tips of the fingers.

Small eight is connecting the index finger and thumb on both hands, so that a small circle is formed by both hands, those two circles are then connected so that all four fingers are touching. This is my favourite position which places your head, mind and subconscious mind in the epicentre which creates the effect of harmony. In this position we become aware of ourselves.

9: foetal position. We often take this position while sleeping and that's why it represents number nine (star).

Nine with which the star element rules over is the position which we all subconsciously assume while we sleep, especially if we are pressured by issues or disease. It is the position of a foetus, which gives us the feeling of peace and security. But, this position represents regeneration and health since it is in direct connection with the star. While we are sleeping the body is relaxing and the spirit (subconscious) takes control over us. This is a completely normal process since without it there would be no possibility for the body to connect with the fifth element and we would be left without energy, which would create a complete collapse.

However, the position of the star is also the one when we are standing with our feet and hands parted while looking straight. This is one of the best positions which we can assume and with which we are opening ourselves, freeing ourselves, we are filled with the feeling of freedom and we are charging ourselves with positive thoughts and energy. It is especially good to perform the mentioned position on top of a hill, mountain or at least on a balcony.

In everyday life we should avoid moving backwards, since such movement, disturbs energy of the star and disharmonises it. Such walk is called a "backwards nine", we perform such movements when we are scared, which means blocked by negative emotion.

The things that are important when exercising in order to achieve the desired results are the following facts:

1. Exercises should be repeated regularly, best immediately in the morning after waking up or in the evening before going to sleep.

2. Stop obsessing with other people's lives, success and failures. The biggest loss of energy and also blocking oneself is exactly such behaviour. It is extremely worrisome that 95% show twice as much interest for someone else's life then their own. Isn't it a scary realization that people spend their entire lives without getting to know themselves, they don't pay enough attention to themselves, and that's why they become an inexhaustible source of frustrations and complexes. And, of course, disease? Facebook is not and cannot be important, sine it stupefies, creates an egoistic cult of ME, and fools individuals, so that the person becomes shallow and focused on unimportant things!

3. Give alms, help the misfortunate, as much as you are capable in terms of money and time. This returns us to ourselves and calls positive energy. 

Sunday 2 August 2015

Numerološka karta osobe

Da bi se izradila numerološka karta neke osobe, prema bosanskoj numerologiji, potrebno je znati sljedeće podatke: datum rođenja, ime i prezime klijenta, te imena oca i majke. Uzmimo ovaj primjer: Admir Okanović, rođen 12.3.1987, majka Sibila, otac Arman.
DATUM ROĐENJA: 1+2+3+1+9+8+7=31/4
ADMIR OKANOVIĆ - 14499 62156493 = broj imena je 27/9, broj prezimena je 36/9
SIBILA - 1+9+2+9+3+1= 25/7. Računa se broj 7 + 9 (prezime) = 16/7
7 9 7
ARMAN - 1+9+4+1+5 =2=/2. Računa se broj 2 + 9 (prezime) = 11/2

Prvi red: 3 3 7
Drugi red: 9 9 9
Treći red: 7 9 7
Četvrti red: 2 9 2
Peti red: 4 9 9 (prvi red je 4, drugi red je 9 = 13/4. Zatim treći red je 23/5 a četvrti red je 13/4 = 9.


Brojevi koji nedostaju: 1, 5, 6, 8.
Naglašeni brojevi: 9, 7, 3, 2


Oni brojevi kojih nema odnosno koji nedostaju u pet redova numerološke karte nazivaju se "nestali brojevi" i ukazuju na nedostatak nekih osobina ili pak nedostataka u karakteru te osobe. Otkrivanjem tih bitnih pojedinosti sugerira se šta je potrebno da se ta osoba što bolje harmonizira . Isto tako, nestali brojevi upozoravaju na važne lekcije koje ta osoba mora naučiti kako bi prošla određena iskustva, ili koje bi navike trebala kod sebe razviti. Sve to ima za cilj kompletiranje ličnosti, aktiviranje onih segmenata ličnosti koji nedostaju na putu samopoznaje i postizanja kvalitetnog života.


U pet numeričkih redova često se pojavljuje po nekoliko puta isti broj ili više njih. To su naglašeni brojevi koji destabiliziraju nečiji karakter i odvode ga u krajnost. Sve to, svakako, nije nimalo produktivno i obično predstavlja problem za osobu pošto naglašeni brojevi dominiraju njenim karakterom. Uvidom u numeričku kartu detektiraju se problematični brojevi te traži način da se njihov uticaj marginalizira kako bi i drugi brojevi / karakteristike došle do izražaja i tako obogatile život tog pojedinca.

Podjela na pet elemenata

Brojevi od 1-9 se dijele na četiri elementa i finalni peti, koji je univerzalan jer ujedinjuje sve ostale, i povezuje ih u petokraku zvijezdu koja predstavlja ljudsko tijelo sa pet isturenih udova - glava, ruke i noge.

Zrak: 1, 2
Vatra: 3, 4
Voda: 5, 6
Zemlja: 7, 8
Zvijezda: 9

Element zrak: osobe sa zračnim brojevima često imaju visoko mišljenje o sebi, tašti su, znaju se brzo uvrijediti, svojeglavi što ih sve zajedno čini izuzetno negativnim i ranjivim. Uglavnom su emotivni, ali i tvrdoglavi pa znaju ići sami protiv sebe i na svoju štetu. Promjenivog su raspoloženja, skloni da mjenjaju svoje odluke. Oni teško odustaju od nečega i teško se mire sa prekidima ili nepravdom.

Element vatra: iako je ovo simbol strasti i energičnosti često je i znak površnosti, te stoga osobe rođene u brojevima 3 i 4 imaju veliki problem kod doživljavanja pravih emocija i osjećaja, za kojima jako pate. Skloni su dokazivanju pred drugima, imaju tu natjecateljsku narav, provokativni su, nesvjesno se dokazuju kroz seks, skloni su naglim ispadima bijesa i dominaciji.

Element voda: osobe rođene u brojevima vode imaju izuzetno neprocjenjiv dar - doživljavanje dubokih emocija i osjećaja, što za njih često može značiti pravo proklestvo i nesreću ukoliko nemaju harmonizirane brojeve u numerološkoj karti. Zbog toga se ove osobe često znaju emotivno zablokirati. Kao i njihov element, osoba sa brojevima vode cio život traži svoje mjesto pod nebom gdje će biti sigurna i stabilna. Negativan strana elementa vode jeste strah i nesigurnost.

Element zemlja: osobe sa brojevima 7 i 8 teže stabilnosti, da budu čvrsto nogama na zemlji. Racionalni su, praktični i objektivni. Negativna strana njihovog elementa jeste da postoji mogućnost da budu odvojene od realnosti, ili da nemaju pravu sliku ni o sebi ni drugima, isto tako, prisutna je tvrdoglavost koja vodi ka autodestruktivnosti, baš kao u slučaju zemljotresa. Zemlja daje plodove pa tako se i oni vole brinuti za druge, biti kreativni i stvaraoci.

Element zvijezda: broj devet odnosno zvijezda je simbol duše, dok četiri elementa čine dijelove ljudskog tijela. Preko zvijezde na sredini čela, prema ilirsko-bosanskom vjerovanju, čovjek je povezan sa svojom zvijezdom na nebu (svemiru). Upravo zbog navedenog osobe rođene u ovom broju imaju potrebu za snažnim povezivanjem sa drugima. To za njih predstavlja određeni hendikep pošto postaju nesigurni, ponekad teško prihvataju sami sebe, trude se biti pohvaljeni, ispunjavati tuđa očekivanja. Krasi ih naivnost, devetka je poput 8 "pokretan" broj odnosno može postati 6 dok osmica i kada se okrene naopako ostaje ista, bar na prvi pogled.

Slaganje brojeva

Iako postoji opsežna analiza brojeva, postoji prilično jednostavna tabela slaganja i neslaganja između brojeva. Prema njoj brojevi 1, ,4, 7 slažu se sa brojevima 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9. Nema harmonije između brojeva 1 -7, 2 - 5, 3 - 8, 6 - 9.  Najpoželjniji partner je osoba rođena u znaku broja 5. Te osobe krasi jedna bitna osobina - prilagodljivi su.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Tabela za konvertiranje slova u brojeve

U izradi numerološke karte koristi se, osim datuma rođenja klijenta, i imena njegovih roditelja kako bi se što preciznije mogli odrediti sudbinski brojevi.
Slova Ž, Š, Ć, Č u ovoj tabeli zamjenjuju slova Z, S, C a slova poput LJ ili NJ zamjenjuju slova L J i N J.

Broj 1

Osoba čiji je finalni broj 1 ima vrlo dobre izglede za uspjeh u životu, naročito ako uzmemo u obzir da je ovo prvi od devet jednocifrenih brojeva i samim time ima primat u odnosu na druge. Privlače sreću i ukoliko su dovoljno mudri i odmjereni mogu postići značajnije životne uspjehe, naročito u karijeri. Puni su energije i borbeni. No, ta je energija mnogo puta sirova i čini ih tvrdoglavim, krutim, oduzima ih strpljenje i razumijevanje. Teško pristaju na kompromis. Više vole da se drugi prilagođavaju njima. Vole dominirati kako u ljubavnom tako i poslovnom odnosu. Brzo se energetski troše pa u broju 1 ima najveći broj energetskih vampira.

Jedinica ima tu nesreću da unatoč svim svojim kvalitetnim osobinama može lako postati usamljena.

Često su „glavom u oblacima“ sa tendencijom da si svojom impulsivnošću izazovu nepotrebne probleme.

Ono što im čini slabiju stranu karaktera jeste sklonost bijesu, egoizmu, narcizmu ali i škrtosti. Mnogi od njih potrate dobar dio života živeći u iluziji i zabludama. Nije im ni strana potreba za samoćom, zapadanju u depresiju ili distanciranju od drugih. Jedinica vlada kičmom, nosem, penisom.

Jedinica je prema svom obliku arapsko slovo Elif, simbolizira ga moćni mač hazreti Alija, nasljednika božijeg poslanika Muhameda, i kao takav ovaj broj predstavlja, osim liderstva i početka, nasljedstvo, nasljeđivanje u bilo kojem obliku. Broj religije tojest monoteizma.

Jedinica je prije svega broj početka rata, sukoba, ali podstiče i stvaranje kvazi pokreta, fanatizma, terorizma, u periodu dok je naglašen uticaj 1 rađaju se revolucionarne ideje.

Broj 2

Osoba čiji je finalni broj zbrajanja datuma rođenja 2 je prije svega jednostavna, mirne naravi, nije nametljiva. Posjeduje izuzetnu mentalnu snagu. Ono što ih krasi je ponos, određena gracioznost i držanje do nekih svojih principa. Po prirodi su vjerne osobe, izuzetno im je bitna emotivna povezanost i stabilnost u vezi. Često nisu skloni velikim riječima niti nekoj komunikaciji ali vrlo su inteligentne osobe, čiji intelekt i mogućnosti, na žalost, dosta puta ostanu neiskorišteni potencijal. U životu ova je osoba često  suprostavljena sama sebi, u dvojbi i sumnjama. Usljed takvog razmišljanja lako može postati hvalisavac, nepouzdan partner, sumnjičava osoba koja u svemu vidi zavjere i intrige protiv nje. Zbog toga ima sklonost ka pretjerivanju. Umije biti zajedljiva, inatljiva i tvrdoglava. Nerjetko su to osobe koje imaju problem kontakta sa  stvarnošću.

Dvojka vlada vratom, kičmom i koljenima, što su uostalom i slaba tačke ljudi rođeni u ovom broju.

Dva je broj univerzuma, dualizma. Dva vrhunska načela sadržana u bogumilskim učenju o bogu dobra i bogu zla. Ovaj broj osim partnerstva, spajanja, povezivanja, predstavlja i državu, državne službe, posebno sud i policiju, vojsku. U svom nepovoljnom značenju 2 označava velike katastrofe, smjene režima, potrese i poplave. Označava i vladare iz sjene, skrivene moćne pojedince.

Broj 3

Osobe čiji je finalni datum rođenja 3 standardno su skloni da si kompliciraju život, dosta puta se teško realiziraju, oni bi uvijek nešto a ne znaju ni sami šta to. Nerjetko imaju potrebu ka laganju i glumi, posebno ženski pripadnici. Teže biti provokativni, zbog želje da budu primjećeni, što je odraz nedostatka samopouzdanja, samokontrole ali i znak površnosti. 

Naglašeno su emotivni, zaljubljivi, i uživaju u pažnji partnera. Osoba ovog broja sposobna je na žrtvu i da bude oslonac osobi koju voli. Međutim, egoizam im nije stran jer si dopuštaju u vezi ili braku određenu slobodu, koju ne odobravaju partneru. Imaju strah od samoće. Plodni su.

Trojke su uglavnom uspješne u poslu, karijera im je vrlo bitna. Zapravo, novac im daje osjećaj sigurnosti, čemu oni stalno teže. Vole biti neovisni, naročito poslovno. Njihove negativne karakteristike su nedostatak razumijevanja, empatije, nevjera, povodljivost. Niži tip osobe u broju 3 je sklon laganju, pretvaranju, dominaciji.

Trojka je broj čovjeka – on posjeduje duh, dušu i tijelo. Ovaj broj predstavlja javne ustanove, političke stranke, najavljuje velike mitinge ili proteste, naročito ako se nađe u blizini nekog negativnog broja.

Broj 4

Osobe čiji je 4 finalni zbroj datuma rođenja su u stalnoj tihoj borbi sa željom za slobodom i promjenama te  tradicionalnim životom. To ih čini frustriranim i izaziva kod njih nagle promjene raspoloženja. Kroz život često nailaze na ograničavanja koja si sama nesvjesno nameću. Njihove ljubavne veze se završavaju naglo i bolno. Bez previše razmišljanja ulaze u veze, skloni su samozavaranju, što obično rezultira razočaranjem u partnera. Jako su osjetljivi na kritike i doživljavaju ih emotivno. Ipak, u ovom broju naglašena je mudrost koja dolazi sa iskustvom i vremenom. Iz tog razloga postaju drugima oslonac i podrška.

Četvorka je broj energije, vitalnosti i našeg libida. Označava ljudsku svijest. Simbolizira kuću, familiju, svaki oblik prostora, materijalno posjedovanje. To je broj prirode ali i Velike Majke.
U negativnom značenju ovaj broj ograničava, pa predstavlja zatvor, tamnicu, logor, bolnicu, gubitak  slobode, prava na izbor, znak je traume, dominacije itd. Periodi u kojima je ovaj broj izuzetno jak uzrokuje pojačan broj ubistava, samoubistava i raznih ekscesa.

Broj 5

Petica je broj koji je grafički prikazan „u pokretu“ što nam odmah sugerira kako su one osobe čiji je finalni zbroj datuma rođenja 5 sklone kretanju i putovanju. Ovo je broj koji je predstavljen tvrdom pravilnom linijom, u gornjem dijelu,  i mekim, savitljivim polukrugom u donjem dijelu, pa upravo iz tog razloga osobe ovog broja na druge djeluju drugačije nego što one to u biti jesu. Većina njih na prvi pogled djeluje ozbiljno, distancirano ili autoritativno no kada se bolje upoznaju lako se da uočiti da su to uglavnom pristupačne i dobronamjerne osobe. Isto tako, osoba čiji je finalni broj 5 je snalažljiva, fleksibilna, često elokventna. Voli da uči i stiče nova znanja. Emotivni su i skloni da se žrtvuju za partnera i obitelj.

Petica je broj unutrašnjosti, svega onoga što je u sredini, predstavlja utrobu, unutarnje organe, narod neke zemlje. Označava i  naše predake, gene. U negativnom obliku petica uzrokuje bolest, povrede, emotivne krize. U negativnom značenju petica stvara pritisak, stres, forsira. Ovaj broj je simbol upozorenja - pojavljuje se pred velike događaje i katastrofe. Zato se i naziva "broj sudbine". Simbolizira periode nestašice i gladi a samim time i ekonomske krize.

Broj 6

Šestica je broj predstavljen „u padu“ što signalizira kako osobe čiji je ona finalni zbroj datuma rođenja troše previše energije ili vremena na pojedinosti ili osobe koje to ne zaslužuju. Njihova putanja je jasna i direktna i otkriva koliko su tvrdoglavi te da im kronično nedostaje želje za generalnim promjenama. Ne posvećuju se svemu bitnom u njihovom životu sa istim elenom i često znaju biti nemarni. Zbog toga nemaju puno interesa u životu. Izbirljivi su  i sitničavi.  Nesigurni su u sebe ali to na sve moguće načine žele prikriti od drugih.  Strah je njihovo glavni problem, nerjetko im komplikuje cio život, i stalno ih odvlači od konkretnih promjena. Zbog toga su uglavnom nesretni ili nezadovoljni. Emotivni su. Vrlo često im je emotivna potreba naglašenija od seksualne.

Šestica je grafički obrnuta devetka i zbog toga u bosanskoj numerologiji predstavlja prevrate, izdaje, iznenadne promjene, periode neizvjesnosti, a u svom negativnom simbolizmu ona predstavlja povezanost sa donjim svijetom, smrt, pobačaj, izlazak na površinu svega negativnog i lošeg, ogovaranje. dio odluka koje se donesu u ovom periodu pokažu se izrazito lošim. To je broj agresije koji kada se sabere sa 5 (6+5 odnosno agresija plus narod) postaje broj 11 - osvjedočeni pokretač katastrofi koje sigurno mjenjaju sliku svijeta ali i društva u cjelini.

Broj 7

U bosanskoj numerologiji simbol broja 7 je kosa za košnju trave, zbog čega je to broj napredovanja, uklanjanja zapreka ali i teškog rada. Upravo je to poruka ovog broja – svaki uspjeh dolazi nakon uloženom napora. Osobe čiji je ovo finalni broj morat će se kroz život suočiti sa bolnim događajima, gubicima i razočarenjima no sve to neće biti uzaludno i donijet će im zasluženu sreću i mir.

Ljudima rođenim u broju 7 nije problem lagati, oni to često rade onda kada misle da je to potrebno, bilo da je riječ o poslovnom ili privatnom životu. No, rjetko to čine iz negativne namjere već uvijek da sebi olakšaju. Njihova najveća slaba tačka je – nesigurnost, uvijek misle da nisu dovoljno dobri ili da nisu nešto uradili koliko su mogli. Sumnjičavi su i ljubomorni ali unatoč tome, plemeniti i šarmantni. Privlače ljude. Emotivni su, skloni dubokim emocijama. I kroz ljubav ih prati borba, bilo da je riječ o bolnim raskidima ili nekompatibilnim partnerima. Izrazito su požrtvovani prema partneru i obitelji. Sentimentalni su. Specifičnost 7 jeste da ona uvijek predstavlja prošlost ili budućnost ali nikada sadašnjost. Zbog toga su ljudi sa ovim brojem najmanje zainteresirani za svoju sadašnjost, uglavnom ili žive u prošlosti ili su isključivo orijentirani ka budućnosti.

Isto  tako ovo je broj promjene, predstavlja inozemstvo, strance,  osobu koja je rođena u inozemstvu, ali i nove ideje, različitost. Sedmica je i broj intuicije. Predstavlja vrijeme, koje sa sobom nosi iskustvo i mudrost. Samim time 7 je broj života, ljudske sudbine.

Negativno značenje sedmice je osveta, velike afere, manipulacija, prekrajanje povijesti, pojava loših političara i lidera. Predstavlja planine, nebodere, nebo, drveće, ptice, rakete, avione.

Broj 8

Osmica je znak podsvjesti, naših strahova, kompleksa, frustracija te se smatra destruktivnim brojem. Osobe čiji je ovo finalni broj imaju lošu naviku da sve negativno potiskuju u sebi odnosno teško se emotivno otvaraju. Zbog toga imaju promjenjivo raspoloženje. No, isto tako, 8  je i simbol seksa, životne energije i libida. Osoba čiji je ovo finalni broj voli zavoditi ali i biti zavedena. Posesivni su. Avanturisti.  Teško se nose sa kritikom, ali imaju neshvatljivu potrebu da kritikuju druge.

Kako je grafički prikaz broja dvije spojene nule sa ovim osobama nikad ne znate na čemu ste. Posjeduju  dva lica i promjenjivo ponašanje, koje zna biti prilično nezrelo,  jer uvijek druge krive za svoje greške.

No, ako osoba ovog broja uspije postići harmoniju u sebi, i odraste u stabilnoj familiji, tada ima sve potrebne preduvjete da postigne veliki uspjeh u životu i karijeri.

Sve ono što čovjek u svom životu gradi i postiže predstavlja broj 8. Označava čovjekovo porijeklo, otkud dolazi i iz kakve familije. Isto tako ovo je broj podsvjesti - naših strahova, kompleksa, frustracija.

 Kada se analizira numerološka karta onda se posebno gleda pozicija 8 pošto se tu, oko nje i kroz nju, kriju i najveći „krivci“ za trenutno stanje pojedinca, njegovo nezadovoljstvo ili razlozi neuspjeha. Veliki broj posesivnih osoba ili onih nesretnih u ljubavi ima naglašenu 8. Također osobe sa ovim brojem često imaju više brakova.


Osmica je broj sela, malog mjesta, autoputeva, vodenih tokova, otoka. Negativno značenje broja ogleda se u atentatima, političkim namještaljkama, trovanju, tajna društva, zavjere, zavaravanje javnosti, mediji.

Broj 9

Osobe rođene u ovom broju sposobne su i energične. Većina ih je odgovorna, ali i pronicljiva. Ekonomični su i znaju sa novcem. Devetka je broj poliglota, ljudi koji imaju sklonost ka jezicima ili općenito komunikaciji sa drugima. Zbog toga 9 predstavlja diplomaciju, dogovore, ugovore. Društvene su. Vole biti zapažene u društvu i uvijek teže ka sticanju nekog statusa. Strastveni su, dinamični, vole biti u pokretu. No, ni oni nisu pošteđenih nekih karakteristika koje dovode do gubitka energije i slabe mentalnu snagu, poput tvrdoglavosti ali i naivnosti.

Devetka svojim izgledom podsjeća na fetus pa je stoga simbol djeteta, rođenja i novog život. Označava cikluse, uči nas strpljenju i disciplini. Zbog toga broj devet nosi u sebi veliku energiju. U periodu kada dominira idealno je vrijeme za početak novih poslova. Označava stariju populaciju. Vlada poljoprivredom i svime onim što donosi hranu. Kada je u pozitivnom ozračju drugih brojeva 9 nekoj zemlji donosi prosperitet, nove investicije, ulaganje u obnovljive izvore energije.
Loše karakteristike ovog broja su odavanje porocima, kriminal, ratno profiterstvo, prostitucija, narkotici. U devetci lako dolazi do kraha nekog sistema, firme ili koncepta življenja.


Tuesday 21 July 2015

Sudbina predodređena u brojevima

Živimo u svijetu brojeva. Doslovno, svaki naš trenutak predodređen je upravo njima te oni na ovaj ili onaj način stalno određuju našu sudbinu, kako pojedinačnu tako i grupnu. Brojevi nas identificiraju, predodređuju i usmjeravaju. Određuju našu sreću i potencijale.

Brojevi se analiziraju na više načina, oni imaju mnogostruko značenje i otkrivaju događaje kako u životu pojedinca tako i one svjetske. Naravno, sve ovdje što ću vam predočiti je tek mali djelić jedne velike mantičke discipline zvane numerologija. Postoji na desetine sistema tumačenja i analize koje se zasnivaju na različitim pravcima. Svaka od njih ima svoju kvalitetu i posebnost. Vi imate priliku pročitati nešto i o našoj domaćoj. Korijeni bosanske numerologije nalaze se, prije svega, u divinacijskoj metodi bacanja graha, koja se bazira na numerološkoj podjeli broja zrna u vodoravnim, vertikalnim i dijagonalnim pravcima te kruga sudbine odnosno bosanskog horoskopa. Jedan manji dio znanja o numerologiji dolazi iz tradicijskih i religijskih vjerovanja, koja se na suptilan način nadopunjavaju sa dominantnim segmentima favomancije i znakovima horoskopa.